After completing a bachelor’s degree in Sociology at UC Berkeley, Rudi spent five years studying Gestalt Practice at Tribal Ground Circle and studied at Naropa University in the  Contemplative Psychotherapy program, all of which supported her deep interest in how we integrate the reality of death and impermanence into the reality of life and love. She is grateful to have grown up in a community of wise healers and lovers and is hoping to pay it forward to future generations.  At the moment, she is playing this all forward in the most embodied way possible by mothering her new baby, Sage.

A gestalt enthusiast, she says of Gestalt Awareness Practice, “I’m grateful to have found a practice that fosters my ability to meet myself just as I am, without trying to change, fix, or suppress any part of my authentic experience. The potency of simply being aware of each moment at any moment has led me to more fully engage with my life and opened doors to the power of conscious choice. I hope to support others in learning to meet and tolerate what is present without manipulation or force.”

When motherhood allows, we look forward to Rudi again offering one-on-one sessions for students of Gestalt Awareness Practice (GAP) and co-leading various Tribal -Ground workshops.