Teachers, Staff, and Associates

Christine Price is a teacher and ongoing student of Gestalt Awareness Practice (GAP). This approach to expanding awareness is derived from the work of Fritz Perls, influenced by Buddhist practice and developed in partnership with the late Richard Price, co-founder of Esalen Institute. [Read more]

Steve Waldrip has been a teacher in the Diamond Approach’s Ridhwan School since 2004 and a student of Hameed Ali and Karen Johnson, the founders of that work, since 1986. He is on the faculty of the European Seminary, assists annually in several retreats abroad and maintains a private practice from his home on the central coast of California. [Read more].

Gail Stewart teaches in the Rigpa Spiritual Care Education Program, which offers training and care in the area of living and dying. Having a long history studying and teaching bodywork of various kinds, the process of ceasing life in a body is also of deep interest to her. [Read more].

Sharon Terry has an eclectic mix of training and experience.  After a transformational experience in a workshop led by Chris, Sharon became a student and practitioner of Gestalt Awareness Practice.  Sharon co-leads workshops with Chris and Rudi in various milieux.    [Read more].

Tribal Ground Circle  Associates

Tribal Ground Circle is a joint venture which includes the following teachers:

These guest and associated teachers are deeply steeped in GAP and include elements in their programs: